TU Alerts: In the event of an emergency or impending threat, Tulane will send critical voice and text messages to students at on-file telephone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Everbridge: Everbridge is the University's emergency mass communications system and campus safety app. By downloading the Everbridge app, you will not only be able to receive TU Alerts directly to the app, but you will also be able to utilize several safety features.
ALERTUS Notifications: With the ALERTUS software installed on your computer, you have access to key emergency notifications from the University. When a text or e-mail message is issued, the ALERTUS software receives the message from University servers and captures the computer screen with the text of the alert. Users must then acknowledge the message before returning to their computers.
Emergency updates for Families: Gives family members the option to sign up for emergency updates by providing contact information.
TUPD Crime Alerts: Provides reports on crimes on or near the Uptown and Downtown campuses.
- For more information about TU Alerts, please visit the TU Alerts page of our website.
- For more information about the Everbridge system, the Everbridge mobile app, and the various campus safety features available on the Everbidge mobile app, please visit the Everbridge page of our website.
- For more information about AlertUs notifications, please visit the AlertUs page of our website.
- Parents, if you would like to receive emergency updates, please visit the Emergency Updates for Families page of our website.